1+1>2: Simulating Occupant Dynamics in a Vehicle Crash

Category: Press Article Publication: Paralegal Press, Summer 2024 Author: Geoffrey Desmoulin Summary: Vehicle collision simulation software is commonly used to reconstruct the collision scene and define vehicle dynamics. However, it…

Prone Restraint and Positional Asphyxia in Custody Deaths

Category: Press Article Publication: Blue Line Magazine, May/June 2024 Author: Geoffrey Desmoulin Summary: Custody deaths of individuals restrained in the prone position are under increased scrutiny. Unlike the George Floyd case, where…

Defense Witness Suggests Suicide in Former ISP Trooper’s Wife’s Death

Category: Press Publication: KHQ Now Author: Hayley Guenthner Summary:  A concise article covering the Daniel Howard murder trial, highlighting Dr. Desmoulin's expert testimony. READ THE FULL PUBLICATION 

The Dangers of After-Market Police Accessories: How Can You Avoid Them?

Category: Press Article Publication: Force Science News, Nov. 9, 2023. Author: Geoffrey Desmoulin Summary: A recent officer-involved shooting highlighted the risks of using untested aftermarket products. In this incident, an officer's…

The Dangers of After-Market Police Accessories

Category: Press Article Publication: Blue Line Magazine, July/August 2023 Author: Geoffrey Desmoulin Summary: While many departments do not object to the use of aftermarket products, the case of a recent officer-involved shooting…

Pork Ribs Used to Simulate Human Chest to Determine Force Needed for Fatal Sword Attack

Category: Press Article Publication: Calgary Herald, Apr 24, 2023 Author: Kevin Martin Summary: Geoffrey Desmoulin, an expert in injury biomechanics, testified he conducted testing using the sword murder suspect Michael Elendu used…

Catching Bullets is Easier Than You Think

Category: Press Article Publication: BCPA Paralegal Press, Winter 2023, Vol. 53, Issue 3 Author: Geoffrey T. Desmoulin Summary: When bullets are stopped by an object, they typically incur large amounts of deformation. This is why…

Digital Playground for Investigators

Category: Press Article Publication: BCPA Paralegal Press, Fall 2022, Vol. 53, Issue 2. Author: Geoffrey T. Desmoulin. Summary: Technology enables us to digitally recreate the scene of an incident to help us understand the activity…

Handcuff Neuropathy

Category: Press Article Publication: TLABC The Verdict Issue 174, Fall 2022. Author: Geoffrey T. Desmoulin. Summary: While handcuffs provide the control necessary to ensure the overall safety of both the detainee and the arresting…

Technology: Image Analysis

Category: Press Article Publication: Blue Line Magazine Aug/Sept 2022 Author: Geoffrey T. Desmoulin Summary: Although there was insufficient detail in the averaged image to clearly see the suspect’s hands, the suspect’s outline…