Effectiveness of Slow Rate Practice Techniques

Category: Publication Author: Desmoulin G. T., and Larkin T. Publication: White Paper, 2012. The purpose of this paper is for GTD Engineering’s Geoff Desmoulin (GTD) to give scientific insight into slow movement training techniques developed…

A portable inertial sensing-based spinal motion measurement system for low back pain assessment

Category: Publication Authors: Jung Keun Lee, Geoffrey T Desmoulin, Aslam H Khan, Edward J Park Publication: IEEE, Pages 4737-4740 Spinal motion measurement during dynamic conditions may help identify differences between…

Disc strain and resulting positive mRNA expression from application of a noninvasive treatment

Category: Publication Authors: Geoffrey T Desmoulin, Carol R Hewitt, Christopher J Hunter Publication: Spine, Volume 36, Issue 14, Pages E921-E928 Study Design. Bovine caudal intervertebral discs were exposed to a noninvasive vibrating…

Comparison of 3D Spinal Motions during Stair-climbing between Individuals With and Without Low Back Pain

Category: Publication Author: Lee J., Desmoulin G. T., Khan A., Park E. Publication: Gait & Posture. 2011(34): 222–226. In spite of the importance of stair-climbing (SC) as an activity of daily living, 3D spinal motion during…

Free Axial Vibrations At 0 to 200 Hz Positively Affect Extracellular Matrix Messenger Ribonucleic Acid Expression in Bovine Nucleus Pulposi

Category: Publication Authors: Geoffrey T Desmoulin, Carol R Reno, Christopher J Hunter Publication: Spine, Volume 35, Issue 15, Pages 1437-1444 Study Design. Bovine caudal intervertebral discs (IVDs) were exposed to…

Is Vibration Truly an Injurious Stimulus in the Human Spine?

Category: Publication Authors: Taryn E Hill, Geoffrey T Desmoulin, Christopher J Hunter Publication: Journal of Biomechanics, Volume 42, Issue 16, Pages 2631-2635 Epidemiological data at one time was taken to suggest…

Blast-Induced Neurotrauma: Surrogate Use, Loading Mechanisms, and Cellular Responses

Category: Publication Authors: Geoffrey T Desmoulin, Jean-Philippe Dionne Publication: Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery, Volume 67, Issue 5, Pages 1113-1122 Background: With the onset of improved protective equipment…

A Technique for Conditioning and Calibrating Force-Sensing Resistors for Repeatable and Reliable Measurement of Compressive Force

Category: Publication Authors: Rick S Hall, Geoffrey T Desmoulin, Theodore E Milner Publication: Journal of Biomechanics, Volume 41, Issue 16, Pages 3492-3495 Miniature sensors that could measure forces applied by the…

Selective Control of Leg Muscle Activation Patterns and Ankle Forces Using a Multi-Chambered Stimulation Cuff Implanted on the Sciatic Nerve

Category: Publication Authors: G Desmoulin, Joaquín Andrés Hoffer Publication: IFESS 11th Ann. Conf., Phila A 20-mm Neurocuff(™) with 8 sets of tripolar electrodes placed inside longitudinal chambers separated by…

Spinal Mechanisms of Pain Control

Category: Publication Authors: Geoffrey T Desmoulin, Nasif I Yasin, Darryl W Chen Publication: The Clinical Journal Of Pain, Volume 23, Issue 7, Pages 576-585 Objectives: To demonstrate initial results using Khan…