Scientific publications and press articles

Non-invasive method of spinal intervention and use of devices effective for spinal intervention
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Authors: Aslam Khan, Geoffrey T Desmoulin, Christopher J Hunter
Publication: US Patent Office
The present technology is the use of a combination to treat a patient and the treatment of a patient.…

A Biomechanical Method for Reconstruction of Tumbling Trampoline Associated
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Author: Desmoulin G.T., Rabinoff M., Stolz B., and Gilbert M.
Publication: J of Forensic Biomechanics, 2014, 5(1): 101-7.
Rebound devices such as trampolines are associated with catastrophic spinal cord injuries.…

Tissue Injury and Effects of Applied Vibration on the Intervertebral Disc
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Author: Geoffrey Desmoulin
Publication: University of Calgary
It is thought that disc degeneration can cause spine related pain. New treatments acting at cellular levels in the intervertebral discs…

Multi-unit sustained vibration loading platform for biological tissues: design, validation and experimentation
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Authors: Geoffrey T Desmoulin, William S Enns-Bray, Carol R Hewitt, Christopher J Hunter
Publication: Journal of Biomechanics
The relationships between mechanical inputs and resulting biological…

Noninvasive Intervention Corrects Biomechanics and Upregulates Disk Genes for Long-Term Spinal Health
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Authors: GT Desmoulin, C J. Hunter, C R. Hewitt, N Bogduk, O S. Al-Ameri
Publication: Global Spine Journal, Volume 2, Issue 1_suppl, Pages s-0032-1319852-s-0032-1319852
Studies examining associations…

Blast Mitigation Status of Police Crowd Management Ensembles
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Author: Desmoulin, G. T., Dionne, J.P.
Publication: White Paper, 2012.
Between 1992 and 2002, more U.S. citizens were wounded or killed by explosives within U.S. borders than all of the international terrorist…

Spinal Intervention Efficacy on Correcting Cervical Vertebral Axes of Rotation and the Resulting Improvements in Pain, Disability and Psychsocial Measures
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Author: Desmoulin G. T., Szostek J. S., Khan A. H., Al-Ameri O. S., Hunter C. J., Bogduk N.
Publication: Journal of Musculoskeletal Pain, 2012, 20(1): 31-40.
Mean axes of rotation [MAR] of cervical joints are an…

Effectiveness of Slow Rate Practice Techniques
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Author: Desmoulin G. T., and Larkin T.
Publication: White Paper, 2012.
The purpose of this paper is for GTD Engineering’s Geoff Desmoulin (GTD) to give scientific insight into slow movement training techniques developed…

A portable inertial sensing-based spinal motion measurement system for low back pain assessment
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Authors: Jung Keun Lee, Geoffrey T Desmoulin, Aslam H Khan, Edward J Park
Publication: IEEE, Pages 4737-4740
Spinal motion measurement during dynamic conditions may help identify differences between…

Disc strain and resulting positive mRNA expression from application of a noninvasive treatment
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Authors: Geoffrey T Desmoulin, Carol R Hewitt, Christopher J Hunter
Publication: Spine, Volume 36, Issue 14, Pages E921-E928
Study Design. Bovine caudal intervertebral discs were exposed to a noninvasive vibrating…

Comparison of 3D Spinal Motions during Stair-climbing between Individuals With and Without Low Back Pain
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Author: Lee J., Desmoulin G. T., Khan A., Park E.
Publication: Gait & Posture. 2011(34): 222–226.
In spite of the importance of stair-climbing (SC) as an activity of daily living, 3D spinal motion during…
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